Πανεπιστημιο ΚρητηςΑνακοινωσεις
Φοιτητικό Κέντρο
Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο
Συνήγορος του Φοιτητή
The University of Bonn would like to invite graduate and postgraduate students from your university to a Summer School on Intellectual Property in Bonn.
The Summer School addresses graduate and postgraduate students from any field of study. It will take place from July 25 to August 5, 2016. The program is conducted in English.
We would appreciate it if you could provide your students with information about the Summer School.
We also took the liberty of attaching a flyer with basic information about the Summer School as well as a Summer School poster.
If you should be interested in printed information material, we will gladly send you flyers and/or posters via mail. Please contact me via email (dubenkropp@uni-bonn.de) in case you would like to obtain printed material.
Please feel free to visit the website of the Summer School on Intellectual Property: www.ipsummerschool.uni-bonn.de. The website will provide detailed information about the program.
Please do not hesitate to contact me or my colleague Ms. Trachsel (m.trachsel@uni-bonn.de) if you have any further questions.
Best regards / Mit besten Grüßen
Kim Dubenkropp
University of Bonn
Department of International Affairs
Ms. Kim Dubenkropp
Unit 6.4 - European and International Networks
Germany - 53115 Bonn
Poppelsdorfer Allee 102
Phone: +49- 228 / 73-60493
Email: dubenkropp@uni-bonn.de
Internet: www.internationales.uni-bonn.de/abt.6.4